Monday, September 21, 2009

Overarching themes

It could be that I'm crazy (always a possibility), but I've found that every semester of my university career has had some sort of "theme" to it. Last semester, for example, I found that a lot of the concepts I was taking in across my classes revolved around the theme of "self." That might sound over broad, but there was a definite thread. Existentialism was the most obvious source of this, but I found that little things in my other classes pointed the way as well.

This semester, it's "how we become what we are." I'm taking Cognitive Development (should be obvious); Biomedical Ethics, in which we are currently discussing personal identity and at what point a fetus becomes a person; Genes and Behaviour, in which we are discussing how our genes and our environment shape us as people; and 18th/19th Century German Philosophy, in which we're currently discussing how we come to gain the knowledge we have.

It might seem like a stretch, and I'm definitely not claiming to uncover some sort of grand conspiracy--maybe it says more about me than about the classes--but I still think its interesting.

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